Black Sand Beaches of St Vincent

Black sand beach with jungle behind in St Vincent, The Caribbean

We docked up at St Vincent, the largest island in the Grenadines. I visited the Grenadines for my 10th birthday but missed out St Vincent so this was my first time visiting this island. First impressions were good. Sitting on my balcony, I looked at the roughed cliffs that scoured the coastlines, jagged rocks at their feet. Turquoise waves lapped at the fallen rocks. It certainly looked like a wild island which was a relief after visiting overly-commercialised St Lucia.

I'd heard that this island had black sand beaches, something which I as yet to witness. The main luxury resort on the island had some white sand imported for its beach which I find terribly sad as the black sand is iconic, has an edge of mystery and is native to the island.

Jungle-covered cliffs in St Vincent, The Caribbean

The view out my balcony

Kingstown port in St Vincent, The Caribbean
Silver Spirit Cruise ship docked at Kingstown, St Vincent, The Caribbean

I just can't get enough pictures of our boat

We had an excursion booked today called 'Pirates of the Caribbean Tour' where a catamaran took us to some spots along the coast which acted like film sets of segments of the film 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. How exciting! We boarded the little boat with the rest of our party and set off down St Vincent's wild coastline.

It was beautiful. The island was incredibly lush and rural. Houses were dotted throughout the vast forests of the island and peaks rose up from the heart. The jagged coats showed us some beautiful headlands and tall broken rocks, standing along in the ocean's shallows. There were also several caves, some which were used for filming for 'Pirates of the Caribbean'.

Shipwreck on the coast with jungle and mountains in St Vincent, The Caribbean

If you look closely, you can see a shipwreck in the bay

Houses, jungle and mountains in St Vincent, The Caribbean
Jungle-covered cliffs in St Vincent, The Caribbean

This cave starred in 'Pirates of the Caribbean'

Houses, jungle and mountains in St Vincent, The Caribbean

The imported white sand beach

Secluded beach behind rock formations on the coast with jungle and mountains in St Vincent, The Caribbean
View of the coast including houses, jungle and mountains in St Vincent, The Caribbean
Secluded beach behind rock formations on the coast with jungle and mountains in St Vincent, The Caribbean
Rock formations on the coast with jungle and mountains in St Vincent, The Caribbean
View of the coast including a boatyard, jungle and mountains in St Vincent, The Caribbean

The boat stopped off at a remote beach, surrounded by thick jungle. As much as you strained to see through the trees or look atop the jutting mountains in the background, there were no sign of any houses. If you just saw this beach, you would think the island was completely uninhabited.

We jumped into the dark waters and swam towards the beach. The beach was beautiful. The sand was completely black with the odd sprinkle of white sand that had been carried from a faraway beach. I had never seen sand this colour before! Black sand beaches are black in colour due to being composed of volcanic minerals and lava fragments. They are found in volcanic areas. St Vincent is a volcanic island and has a volcano called 'La Soufrière'.

Other than the colour of the sand, the beach felt the same as any other which I'd been on with the sand being soft underfoot. Behind the stretch of sand lay the jungle. The tall trees were alive with noises. The forest was likely filled with an array of birds, insects and monkeys, although none popped their heads through to say hi. I would have loved to explore the forest but perhaps that's an adventure for another day!

It was time to go snorkelling. The water looked black from the surface - likely due to the black sand on the seabed. When I popped my head under the water, the floor was alive with fish, swimming elegantly around corral.

The sky above our heads was darkening and the sea would surge every now and then with a large wave. Thus, the mood became somewhat frantic.

"A jellyfish!" Someone yelped.

That was enough to cause alarm although I didn't actually see any jellyfish.

One of my companions got caught up in a rough wave which dragged her along the seabed. She was left with a terrible wound to her thigh which could have been caused by scraping against sharp rocks or perhaps it could have even been a sting.

On that note, we boarded the boat once more and continued sailing down the coast.

View of the coast including a beach, jungle and mountains in St Vincent, The Caribbean

The beach from a distance

Dense jungle behind a secluded beach in St Vincent, The Caribbean

Dense jungle behind the beach

Black sand beach with jungle behind in St Vincent, The Caribbean
Very strong 84% rum on boat in St Vincent, The Caribbean

Does what it says on the tin!

Rock formations on the coast with jungle and mountains in St Vincent, The Caribbean
Cave on the coast with jungle and mountains in St Vincent, The Caribbean
Caves on the coast with jungle and mountains in St Vincent, The Caribbean
The Black Pearl ship from Pirates of the Caribbean in St Vincent, The Caribbean

The actual boat used as the 'Black Pearl'

We returned back to our ship for our final night on our boat. I felt a sense of sadness as I boarded the boat for the last time. I'd really come to see Silver Spirit as my home the past week and it would definitely leave an impression on me. Tomorrow we would be arriving in Barbados and we would depart the boat for the very last time. I never thought I'd enjoy a cruise as much as i actually did and it's an experience I'd definitely be up for taking part in again.

For the last night we had a party planned and I prepared to make the most of it.

Sunset over the coast of St Vincent, The Caribbean

The little boat guiding us out of port one final time

The sunset in the sky and cruise ship

It's quite entertaining to look up at all the arms sticking out of the balconies above you

Ella bracelets from every Caribbean island visited

A bracelet per island visited. I only need Barbados now to complete the collection


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